Part of what makes living with diabetes so tough is maintaining control of blood glucose levels, and a lot of what affects those levels is your diet. For type I diabetics, maintaining a healthy diet is just as important as taking your insulin. For type II diabetics, learning to make healthy choices can be a process, but will ultimately help you maintain your symptoms the best. Because type II diabetes is typically the result of unhealthy diet and exercise regimens, it is very important to learn about what your dinner plate should look like, and how active you should be throughout your day. Remember, this won't happen overnight, but by making small steps daily, you can slowly shift your diet towards a healthier and safer lifestyle.
So what foods should I avoid as a diabetic?
- Foods high in fat, calories, or sodium
- Foods with added sugars or preservatives (most prepared meals or frozen foods fall into this category!)
- Foods with excessive carbohydrates
- Flavored or artificially sweetened beverages
- Fast Food. Period.

Any food or drink that falls into those categories should be kept in serious moderation, or cut out of your diet completely. Whenever you catch yourself snacking, make sure what is in your hand will not severely throw your blood glucose levels out of balance. There are plenty of other healthier options that won't put you at risk for diabetic shock. Additionally, if you need ideas for good recipes or snack ideas, there are plenty of websites that contain hundreds of recipes for free! Here is a list of some broad categories of foods that you should always keep in your diet.
What Should My Healthy Diet Consist Of?
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Whole Grains
- Non-fat dairy produts
- Beans
- Poultry, Lean meats, & fish

The most important thing to remember is that there is no single diet that will be the answer for everything. Everyone's body responds differently, and everyone's insulin levels will be different, so keep track of your blood glucose levels by being diligent about testing regularly. As long as you do this and portion your food out appropriately, you will find that your symptoms will be easier to manage. As always, have your family and friends help you keep track and utilize the community resources available to you online (like our blog!) or locally. Happy reading, happy eating, and happy living! Cheers.