Updated on July 10, 2020 - originally published on Feb 16, 2018
Ever get the feeling that your toes could use a bit more wiggle room or are feeling a bit suffocated in your compression stockings? Keep in mind that most compression stockings are available with the option of an open toe (Yes ladies, even sheer stockings!). An open toe stocking is not a footless stocking. It is similar to a fingerless glove, allowing your toes to be exposed.

If you are considering open toe compression stockings or are new to compression stockings in general, let us answer a couple of the most frequently asked questions for you regarding open toe stockings. Buy the Best Open Toe Compression Stockings.
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Will the band on the foot portion bind my toes together?
No. The majority of the stocking's compression begins in the ankle portion and lessens as it goes up the leg. Although the foot of a compression stocking does have some elasticity in it, there is very little compression in the foot portion.
Why would I want to wear open toe stockings?
Open toe compression stockings are great for wearing flip flops or sandals. Especially during the warmer months, the exposure to your toes will have your feet breathing much better. If you experience discomfort with tightness on your toes or have any structural toe conditions, the open toe option will allow more freedom of motion for your toes. In regards to toe comfort, open toe compression stockings are also an ideal choice if you have a rather larger shoe size to prevent your toes from feeling cramped.
What are the benefits to an open toe stocking?
In comparison to the closed toe, open toe compression stockings also come with a foot slip. You might be thinking, "What in the world is a foot slip?" or "Why would I need that?" All of our premium brands provide a silk sock-like aid with your open toe stockings for ease of application. Before putting your compression stocking on, temporarily put this slip on your foot. The foot slip helps by reducing friction between your skin and the fabric, making the donning process much easier.
With the warmer temperatures that come with the spring and summer months also comes the time for travel. A luxury vacation is no excuse to set aside your compression stockings. If anything, travelling is one of the times you'll need your compression stockings the most, especially when you will be travelling by plane. The breathability feature of the open toe stockings are a great option for those traveling to a place with warm climate. Warmer weather also means sports season and better weather for outdoor runs and workouts. Again, don't let that be an excuse for you to set your compression stockings aside. We understand that during a summer workout, warm weather + warm body temperature = enough warmth. But with your workout or sports activity, compression is very beneficial. Just to name a few, compression helps prevent lactic acid build up, helps muscles stay well oxygenated during activity, and helps with the recovery process following a workout. Try an effective and fashionable footless compression sleeve to give you these benefits!
So what’s the main message here? The warmer months may tempt you to disregard your compression stockings, but don't do it. Keep your legs healthy and your toes breathing fresh air during these months of wearing flip flops and sandals!
Get help from our Certified FittersDon't know which knee, thigh, or pantyhose, sock or stocking to get? Email us: support@legsmart.com Use discount code: OPENTOE, to get 10% off your entire cart. We want to THANK YOU for shopping at LegSmart! |