"Where there is gravity, there is a role for graduated compression."
We all have different lifestyles, but one thing that everyone has in common is the daily necessary use of their legs. So how do we take the best possible care of our legs? For starters, exercise will not only keep your legs healthy, but rather your entire body healthy. For those who constantly have a busy schedule, take just 30 minutes of your day to do some kind of exercise. A simple 30 minute workout will energize your body and mind and is a great way to take a break from your busy day. It is also important to make sure you take care of your legs during other parts of the day. Whether you’re sitting at a work desk, running errands, or up and on your feet for several hours, these daily chores and activities can be exhausting. By the end of the day, you've worn out our legs for the day and your legs are probably feeling sluggish, tired, and maybe even achy or sore.
So what can you do to keep your legs energized not feeling like you've walked through a heaping pile of mud by the time the day is over? Wear compression! Regardless of whether you're active or sedentary, fit or overweight, young or old, man or woman, we ALL need to take care of our legs. I'll say it once once more: leg health is important to ALL OF US. Here are a few situations in which compression is especially necessary to keep your legs energized and healthy:
On the plane, train, car

- During travel, the movement of your legs is constricted. Thus, the circulation of the blood flow in your legs is decreased significantly.
- A decrease in blood circulation of your legs can lead to swelling in the foot and/or ankles as well as put anyone at a high risk of a blood clot, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
- Unknown numbers of people suffer from swelling and blood clots each year due to travel. This is a health topic that does not get enough acknowledgement and is not educated to enough people.
- Airhealth.org states, "About 85 percent of air travel thrombosis victims are athletic, usually endurance-type athletes like marathoners. People with slower resting blood flow are at greater risk of stasis, stagnant blood subject to clotting. Also, they are more likely to have bruises and sore muscles that can trigger clotting." In other words, even a healthy and active person can get a blood clot during travel. Keep in mind, YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE!
On the Job

Stand on tile for 12-16 hours a day resulting in tired and achy legs. Our suggestion: Sigvaris 15-20 Casual Cotton Series
Flight attendants
Stand for hours on end in high altitude. This can lead to a very high risk of swelling and blood clots. Our suggestion: Sigvaris Soft Opaque Series or Mediven Comfort
Truck/Bus Drivers
Sitting for long hours. Legs are restricted to movement and leg circulation. Our suggestions: Sigvaris Athletic Recovery
Always walking on hard linoleum floors with thin shoes. This high impact causes strains in calf muscles as well as that heavy leg feeling at the end of the day. Our suggestions: Juzo Leggings or Sigvaris Cushioned Cotton.
On the Go

Going out this weekend? Maybe you're going to a sporting event, spending the day shopping or having a night out on the town. As always, you'll be putting your legs to work. For all that your legs do for you, repay them with good health and energy. At this point, you should be seeing a common theme here. Regardless of whether you're a stay at home mom, a bumbling busy wall-street employee, or retired and travelling, we all need our legs. Take care of them and they’ll take care of you; I cannot reiterate that enough. No matter who you are or what you do, we all depend and work our legs much more than we give them credit for.
You might be thinking, "I don't want to spend $40 on a pair of socks…" But think about it! On average they last for six months, which comes out to about 25 cents a day. This will be worth the investment especially because you're taking the preventative measures to avoid venous disease, ulcers, and surgical procedures, all of which I can assure you cost substantially more than $40. Trust me, your legs will thank you for it, and you will thank me later. Try out some compression stockings today and let us know which ones you have come to love! Don't see what you're looking for on our website? Feel free to contact our Customer Care Team with any questions.